
Where'd it go?

Hey sweet buddy,
It's been a while since Mommy's written you a letter! Sorry about that! I'm just slow.

Anyway you've been a very busy little boy. You're climbing on top of all of our furniture and jumping down. You can jump off the ground with two feet. You love the trampoline! You follow Hannah around and do everything she does. You're saying more and more words and sentences. All in all, you're growing up too fast!

"Where'd it go?"
"There it is!"
"Come back here!"
"Mama where are you?"
"I'm naked!"
"I like it!"
"Don't like it!"
"'Cuse me Hannah (or Mama or Daddy)"
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Kiss-mas!!"

Your hair is still as blond as ever too! I love it. You got your first haircut a few months ago. Mommy tried trimming it at home but I didn't do a good job so I had to take you to a stylist so they could fix it. They cut off all your cute little curls. But I put them in your baby book so we'll always have them.

We got our Christmas tree last week. Hannah helped pick it out and you love smelling it! You loved decorating it too. It was a little hard for you to hang the ornaments so we had to help you. Everyday you like to turn on the lights and then you walk around looking at all the ornaments. I've finally put more presents underneath and you look at those too. I can't wait to see you when you open all of your gifts.

I'm going to go so I can do some chores while you're napping. I just want to say that I love you very much! You're the cutest little boy in the world!!

Love always,

Just a few pictures of what we've been up to lately....

You really enjoyed licking the batter off of the beater when we made Gingerbread Cookies.

You really did not like Santa Claus. You cried when I put you in his lap. Hannah, on the other hand, climbed right up and talked to him. Maybe next year?

Picking out our Christmas tree. I'll put up a picture of it soon.

Finally!!! A good Christmas picture of you guys!!


Such a Big Boy

Hey Monkey!!
I'm sorry I keep taking so long to write you letters! I'm a slacker!! I'm just going to do a quick update and I promise I'll write more often!

Well, summer is just about over and we've been staying home a lot lately. No more gymnastics for Hannah or playgroup for both of you.

We did go to the library yesterday and you guys had a blast. You played with the Dinosaur toys and the puzzles. You both played with the stuffed animals and the puppet theater. You had a blast stacking up the cushions and then knocking them down. You also enjoyed picking out a movie to watch - you got Veggie Tales Heroes of the Bible.

You can do the sign for 'A' and 'B'. We've not been doing sign language lately so I'm going to get us back to that. It's cute watching you do your little signs. We've also started watching 'Baby Einstein's Babies Favorite Places". While watching it you copied what they were saying rather than the sign language. You can say "market" and "florist."

You & Hannah are so sweet together. You play together a lot more and you'll generally do whatever she wants. Sometimes she drives you crazy and you'll yell, "Stop it!" I always laugh when you say that. If I tell either of you that I'm going to get Mr. Sad and spank you, you immediately run and get Mr. Sad for me. Even when it's you I'm threatening to spank!! You are so silly!!!

Some of your new phrases: (sorry if I've repeated any from last time)
  • "Be right back." - as you hold up Pointer.
  • "Ready get out!" - of the bathtub.
  • "I'm done." - using the potty
  • "Read it!!" - as you shove a book at me. Your favorite is Moo! Baa! La, La, La!!
  • "Candy!!"
  • "Drink"
  • "Monkers!" - for Monsters, Inc. which you love to watch!!!
  • Recently you've started saying, "I get it." and "I did it!! Good job!"
Another awesome development is that you can pee standing up. I went shopping one day and when I got home Daddy showed me how he taught you to stand up and pee pee. We lift the toilet lid and the seat and let you put your feet on the bottom. A few times you've twisted and missed but you do a good job. One day I started to put the potty seat on the toilet and you yelled, "No! Stand up!!" It was sweet. I'm so proud of you.Add Image
Today I took you and Hannah to Shoe Show to measure your foot and get the prices on some shoes. You were in heaven!! You certainly have a shoe fetish. You ran up and down the aisles yelling, "Shoes!" while looking at each and every pair. It was hilarious!!

You're still singing, "Tinkle Tinkle Little 'Tar." Only now you sing it really loud and you laugh b/c you know you're making me & Daddy laugh too. It's sweet listening to you sing.

I'm going to go but I will write more often. I love you sweet little buddy!!!

Love always,



Hey Sweet Little Sammy,
We've been super busy this summer so I haven't been writing to you as often as I would like!! You're 18 months old - I can't believe it. Just yesterday you were my sweet little baby, so tiny and fragile. You've grown as warp speed!

You are so fearless and brave. You'll climb on everything and you never want any help. You can do everything by yourself on the playground at Sertoma. You go up the steps and can go down all the slides without any assistance. We go to playgroup there on Thursday and you're the only boy! You've learned how to climb onto Mommy & Daddy's bed as well as Hannah's. I've gotten used to walking into a room and finding you sitting on the bed :-)

We've done a lot this summer: swimming, playgroups, Hannah's gymnastics, traveling, grilling out, fireworks. Thankfully everything is starting to settle down. Hopefully we're going to sign you up for the Mom & Tot class at gymnastics this winter. I'm already excited about it.

Lately your favorite movie is 'Monsters, Inc.' but you call it 'Monkers'. You'll point to the TV and say, "Monkers? Monkers?" It's too cute!! The other thing you've been doing that I love is asking us to sing, "Tinkle Tar." Every night Daddy & I tuck you and Hannah into bed and sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to you guys. You'll lay in bed and pull your shirt up so Daddy can rub your belly. And the whole time you're saying, "Tinkle Tar." I'll leave off the words at the end of every line and you know them... 'are, high, sky'!!! It's soooo sweet!!!

I love you and I promise I will write more soon. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you!!!

I love you so much. You're such a beautiful sweet little boy and I'm so proud of you. Everyone loves you and Hannah and comments on how well behaved and quiet you guys are. They don't know just how much of a blessing it is to have you guys!!!

I love you buddy,

Pictures of our summer (in no particular order)....

Swimming at OSP on the 4th.

You were scared of the Slip 'N Slide but had fun watching Daddy slide.

The birdhouse you painted at VBS the one night we went!!

We went camping. You dove right into the water towards Daddy. You look a little scared!!

Chilling with Pops on Father's Day.

This is Hannah's chore but you always end up taking over b/c you love to vacuum.

We went to the movies to see "Up". I love that you & Hannah will hold hands when walking somewhere.


Big Boy Bed

Well Little Buddy,
I finally put together the Spongebob toddler bed that I bought you last month.

You love it!! I was worried that you would keep getting out of it but we've only had to train you to stay in it 2 or 3 times. I think you like sleeping in a bed that looks like Hannah's. Plus you seem to like the freedom of getting in and out by yourself. I guess you didn't like being in prison...lol! You go to sleep a lot faster too! I'm also surprised that you don't wiggle down to the bottom - and off - of your bed.

The other day I bought the bed set to go with the bed. You'll sit on the bed and point while saying, "Punge-bob!"

Also, you're finally able to climb up onto all of our furniture. This goal took you a while to accomplish but you've done it! The other night you climbed onto Mommy & Daddy's bed without any help!! And you did it again this morning while I was making the bed. You're going to be a little monkey just like Hannah!

You've been doing good with going to the potty. Now when Hannah's using the potty you run in and do the sign for her! Such a cutie.

I love you little buddy!!

Loving your bed and your underpants!
Hannah loves your bed too! Look at the sweet grin on your face!


Great Grandma Clark

Hey buddy,
I'm terrible about keeping up with your blog!!

The week before last we took another trip but this time we went to New Hampshire. But first we stopped in Maryland to meet your Great Grandmother who is 94 years old! She's Pop's mother and you & I have never met her (and Daddy hasn't seen her in 20 years). Unfortunately by the time we got to her house it was about time for your nap so you didn't get to spend a lot of time with everyone. Aunt Nota lives with Grandma and Aunt Janet/Uncle Bryan came over to see us as well. After your nap we went into the back yard to look at Nota's plants and you loved it out there!

After we left Maryland we headed to New Hampshire. Daddy had training for work so it was just you, Hannah, and me in the hotel all day. We would get up around 9am and go down for our free breakfast. After that we would come back to the room to straighten up and get our swim suits on. Then we'd swim in the pool for about an hour. After pool time it was lunch time and nap time for you guys. When naps were over we'd play and read books until Daddy got "home". Then we'd swim again before going out for supper. Finally, baths and bedtime. It was nice just spending a whole week concentrating on you and Hannah. No dishes, no laundry, no distractions.

While we were there I worked on "potty training" you. Well, you already go on the potty but I was working on you letting me know when you've got to go. You would wear underpants during the day and now you say "Potty" "Pee-pee" and "Poop." Since you've done so well you wear underpants while we're at home and pull-ups when we're out and about and at night. You are very comical, when you go potty you'll help me flush and then you wave bye bye to your pee or poop. Then you'll tell Daddy, "I pee."

Daddy & I are very blessed that you & Hannah are great travelers. You rarely whine and you're happy to just sit and look out the window or watch your movies. And I was very happy that you slept so well in your Pack 'N Play. I know that it can't be the most comfortable place to sleep but you never gave us a moments trouble.

You're talking a lot more too.
"I'm done."
"I ticky (sticky)."
"Shoe." as you attempt to put on your shoes.
"Oscar" and "MayDay"

I know there's more but I'll remember them after I've already published this post!

I just want to tell you that you're the sweetest little boy ever and oh so cute!! I can't imagine my life without you!!

Love you bud,



Hey little buddy,
Sorry it's taken me so long to write about our Disney trip. I'm terrible I know.

You are an excellent traveler. You just looked out the window or slept the whole way. You loved swimming in the pool as much as Hannah and you really really enjoyed the Disney parks. I know you won't remember the majority of it though.

We went to Aunt Patti's house for Easter (Daddy's aunt). We had lunch and you played with Destiny. We also had an Easter egg hunt and you were hilarious! I would show you where the eggs were and you would pick it up and then throw it into your basket! You broke two eggs! I have it on video so that we'll never forget it.

I would say that your favorite ride/show of our trip was the Live with Playhouse Disney. You were standing, dancing and clapping. It was so sweet watching you. You enjoyed all the shows that we went to and clapped and chattered through most of them. When we had our picture made with Tigger & Pooh you leaned right against Pooh and I had to pull you off of him after the picture. I don't think you liked the Tea Cups that much - but they almost made me sick too so I don't blame you there! When we rode the Dumbo ride at Magic Kingdom you sat with Daddy but he said that you really liked it. At Animal Kingdom you got to play some African drums which you loved! You also liked the Safari that we went on. You pointed at all the animals and chattered though I'm not entirely sure what you said :-)

Unfortunately you got heat exhaustion even though I tried to make sure you guys drank enough water. I think your poor little body couldn't regulate your temperature because it was so warm out, then we would swim in a heated pool and you weren't getting your naps during the day. While we were at Animal Kingdom Thursday you were so warm and you just didn't seem like yourself. When we got back to the Condo that night you went straight to bed without any supper. When you woke up later in the evening I took your temperature and it was 103. So we gave you Motrin and prayed for you. You slept all night and when you woke the next morning your temp was down to 100 on it's own. So I gave you more Motrin and we stayed home while every one else finished Magic Kingdom. You took a bath, played, ate lunch and then took a nap. By the time Daddy picked us up to go to Epcot you were back to normal!! And you really enjoyed Epcot. I'm sorry Mommy let you get so sick. I just didn't realize that could happen to you.

You got a stuffed Lightning McQueen as your souvenir as well as a little set of Star Wars figures. You and Hannah spend a lot of times playing with those little men (Chewie, Yoda, Bubba Fet, a Storm Trooper, Darth Vadar, R2D2 and C3PO). So I've let you guys watch the movies and you love them. One day you sat for about 20 minutes straight watching one of them.

Here are some of the new things you can say: Bobby, Right there, and potty. I know there are more but for some reason my mind isn't working right now! You will go to the potty and tell me when you're done. While we're in Maine this coming week I'm going to work on officially potty training you. I think you'll do great. You can do the sign for food and drink now as well as moon and cereal.

The other day you and I planted sunflowers along the cross ties where we park the cars. They're already sprouting too! I would dig the whole and you would take a seed and drop it exactly where I pointed. You're such a good little helper!!

Saturday we went to see Monsters vs Aliens 3D. It was your first movie and you did great. There were some other kids there that cried just about the whole time but you loved it! You just sat with your little glasses on and ate popcorn and drank Rootbeer. It was so much fun.

I love you little buddy and I promise I won't take so long to write again :-)



"Tars" and "Sharks"

Hey Buddy,
I can't believe I've even found time to write this, I've been crazy busy packing for our trip to FL. Packing for you two and myself is a daunting task!

Monday was mine & Daddy's last night of bowling so we took you and Hannah with us. You guys did great and were so well behaved. I got out your sign language book for you to look at. You immediately put your hands above your head and said "tars" and did the sign for stars! And on our way to the bowling alley Hannah pointed at a billboard and mentioned that there was a shark on it. You said "shark" clear as day! You're really starting to take off verbally. I'm very excited because it's so much fun when babies start talking and really communicating.

Tuesday we were eating lunch with Granny and Aunt Bonnie at Scholozsky's (funny name, serious sandwich) and you did the sign for food! I love that you're able to do sign language and let me know what you want.

Today was Daddy's birthday party at work. His department took him to Sardi's and they also bought him a cake. You inhaled your cake but not before rubbing it all over your face! When you were through with your piece you started reaching for mine! The one thing you will soon learn is Mommy does not share her sweets! :-)

You've also been saying "Pung-bob". Hannah has started watching her Spongebob movies again and you love him too! Anytime you see him you start yelling "Pung-Bob!!" It's so cute.

I can't wait for our trip to FL. You've always been an excellent traveler and I know you'll do great this time too. Plus I'm very excited about taking you to Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. You're going to love the animals!! Not to mention we're going to spend time with your Uncle David and Aunt Karen. We only see them about once or twice a year and I know Uncle Dave really misses you guys.

So, I probably won't write again until after our trip. I just wanted to tell you about "tars" before I forgot :-)

I love you sweet buddy,


New Roommate

Hey Buddy,
I have wanted to write this letter for a while now but I wanted to have a picture to go along with it. Even though I've been reluctant to do it, we moved you into Hannah's room on March 25th. Hannah was so excited for you to be in her room! She almost cried when I started to just put your crib back in our room because I was having trouble moving it.
I worried how you would do without me but you were fine. You & Hannah talked for about a half hour but then you both nodded off. You've slept fine in there ever since.

In other news, you can now do the signs for toothbrush, lights, stars, and book. Your new favorite book is 'Moo, Baa, La La La'. You'll sit and look at it all by yourself and make all the noises. You can also say "Jack" and "baby" now.

You're growing up so fast little man!

I love you!!

You ripped that Madagascar poster the 2nd night you were in your new room.

Watching Hannah from your crib.

Hannah is always excited to see you when she wakes up.

While you were using the potty Hannah was doing the sign for potty for you.


Book & Stars

Hey Little Buddy,
You're really doing great learning sign language!! The other day you were on the potty and I was going through some of the signs from the book we're reading. You started doing 'stars' and 'book'! I can't believe it!! You and Hannah are the smartest babies ever!! You're going to be even smarter b/c Hannah is going to teach you everything she knows too :-)
I've also discovered that you like strawberry covered raisins. You don't like raisins by themselves but cover them in chocolate or strawberry and you'll eat them all!!
Yesterday I took you and Hannah to the park to play since it was such a nice day. You are fearless!! You can go up the stairs yourself and you did not want me holding you or helping you down the slide. You even went down the "twisty" slide all by yourself! I was amazed...I know I say this all the time but you're the total opposite of Hannah. I'm still not used to that.

I love you little man,


Going Potty & Taking a Bath

You constantly amaze me with how smart you are and how quickly you learn!! After supper last night I just looked at you and did the sign for bath and you headed straight towards the bathroom. While your bath water was running I asked if you needed to use the potty. Now if you know bath water is running you are glued to the tub and won't budge until I pick you up and put you in the tub. But when I asked that last night you immediately turned and walked right over to the toilet. There was a towel on top and you pulled that off and lifted the lid and turned for me to pick you up. I couldn't believe it!! You are so awesome. I have so much fun with you every day and I love staying home with you and Hannah. You are two very smart children and I can't take all the credit either :-)

I love you Sammy,


Sign Language

Sweet little boy,
Earlier this week I took you and Hannah to the library to get some new books. I picked out Baby Signs for Bedtime. After two times reading through it your smart sister already knows how to do them all but you're not far behind!! The other day you started opening and closing your fists which is the sign for "lights" and then you pointed at the light!! Every night since we started reading the book I've done the sign for bath. So last night Hannah & I were getting everything ready for your bath and we were doing the sign for you. You started doing it too!! Smart boy!
You've also been saying "Hannah" very clearly and you've started drinking through a straw. This last accomplishment makes Papa very happy. He loves giving you tea when we go to Ryan's and now he can just hold the cup up and let you drink :-)
I love you so much. You're such a little blessing and we all love you so very much!!

I love you buddy,



Hey little buddy,
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written but we've been very busy with Hannah - she has the flu. You just can't understand why she lays on the couch and doesn't want to play. You go up to her and talk and sometimes you lay your head on the couch near her. You're so sweet. But all the time that Hannah has spent resting as mean extra play time for you. We've read more books than ever lately and played with your block set so many times I think I might hide it for a while ;-)
Last night you walked into the kitchen toward the cabinets and said, "Snack!" You know what you want!! The other day Daddy called and you picked up the extra phone and said, "Hey Da Da!" The other really cute thing you've been doing is heading straight for the tub when we get you naked. You've come to realize that the majority of the time that I take your clothes off it means you're getting a bath. You're a smart little boy!!
I love you so much and I'm exited about all the new things you're going to be doing and saying soon...

Love always,


Ears & Mouth

Hey bud,
I'm so proud of you!! Today we were watching Baby da Vinci and you pointed at your ears and mouth for the first time!! And you said 'ears'. It's so exciting watching you learn and grow so fast.
You were also putting the blocks into your shape sorter all by yourself this evening. You watched carefully when Hannah & I did it and then you did it exactly the way we did!
My biggest challenge with you lately has been the TV remotes. They're on the end table and you're constantly grabbing them and running away. It doesn't matter how many times I spank that little hand you get them anyway. You're a stubborn little boy :-)
I love you little man,


Pictures of our hike

Hey little buddy! We went on a family hike the other day and I just wanted to add some pictures so you can see how cute you were! I carried you in the backpack and you loved it. You pointed at everything and if I stopped too close to a tree or bush you started pulling on it. When you & I stopped for a break you had a blast playing in the leaves and dirt. You are the total opposite of Hannah!
You've been doing this for a long time but you love the vacuum cleaner. Anytime I'm vacuuming you run behind me going "MMMMMM." It doesn't scare you at all. Sometimes when I'm using the attachment I look down and you're holding the bottom of it "helping" me! You're so much fun!!

I love you!!


a letter for Samuel

Dear Sammy,
I started a blog for Hannah & I wanted to start one for you as well. You're both changing so fast so I want to make sure that I remember as much as possible. So I thought I'd write you letters about all the new things you're learning and accomplishing.

Last night was a big night for you -and Daddy too! It was the first night that you didn't nurse before you went to bed. So Daddy got to put you to bed for the first time. He was so happy!! I was a little nervous that you wouldn't go to sleep without nursing but you passed out almost as soon as Daddy laid you down.

And today you said "Star" for the first time. Hannah was putting stars on her chore chart and you came right over and yelled, "STAR!" You also started saying "Taco" lately because Hannah runs around saying it all the time. You love your big sister and will say or do anything that she does.

I love you little buddy,