
Book & Stars

Hey Little Buddy,
You're really doing great learning sign language!! The other day you were on the potty and I was going through some of the signs from the book we're reading. You started doing 'stars' and 'book'! I can't believe it!! You and Hannah are the smartest babies ever!! You're going to be even smarter b/c Hannah is going to teach you everything she knows too :-)
I've also discovered that you like strawberry covered raisins. You don't like raisins by themselves but cover them in chocolate or strawberry and you'll eat them all!!
Yesterday I took you and Hannah to the park to play since it was such a nice day. You are fearless!! You can go up the stairs yourself and you did not want me holding you or helping you down the slide. You even went down the "twisty" slide all by yourself! I was amazed...I know I say this all the time but you're the total opposite of Hannah. I'm still not used to that.

I love you little man,


Going Potty & Taking a Bath

You constantly amaze me with how smart you are and how quickly you learn!! After supper last night I just looked at you and did the sign for bath and you headed straight towards the bathroom. While your bath water was running I asked if you needed to use the potty. Now if you know bath water is running you are glued to the tub and won't budge until I pick you up and put you in the tub. But when I asked that last night you immediately turned and walked right over to the toilet. There was a towel on top and you pulled that off and lifted the lid and turned for me to pick you up. I couldn't believe it!! You are so awesome. I have so much fun with you every day and I love staying home with you and Hannah. You are two very smart children and I can't take all the credit either :-)

I love you Sammy,


Sign Language

Sweet little boy,
Earlier this week I took you and Hannah to the library to get some new books. I picked out Baby Signs for Bedtime. After two times reading through it your smart sister already knows how to do them all but you're not far behind!! The other day you started opening and closing your fists which is the sign for "lights" and then you pointed at the light!! Every night since we started reading the book I've done the sign for bath. So last night Hannah & I were getting everything ready for your bath and we were doing the sign for you. You started doing it too!! Smart boy!
You've also been saying "Hannah" very clearly and you've started drinking through a straw. This last accomplishment makes Papa very happy. He loves giving you tea when we go to Ryan's and now he can just hold the cup up and let you drink :-)
I love you so much. You're such a little blessing and we all love you so very much!!

I love you buddy,



Hey little buddy,
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written but we've been very busy with Hannah - she has the flu. You just can't understand why she lays on the couch and doesn't want to play. You go up to her and talk and sometimes you lay your head on the couch near her. You're so sweet. But all the time that Hannah has spent resting as mean extra play time for you. We've read more books than ever lately and played with your block set so many times I think I might hide it for a while ;-)
Last night you walked into the kitchen toward the cabinets and said, "Snack!" You know what you want!! The other day Daddy called and you picked up the extra phone and said, "Hey Da Da!" The other really cute thing you've been doing is heading straight for the tub when we get you naked. You've come to realize that the majority of the time that I take your clothes off it means you're getting a bath. You're a smart little boy!!
I love you so much and I'm exited about all the new things you're going to be doing and saying soon...

Love always,