
a letter for Samuel

Dear Sammy,
I started a blog for Hannah & I wanted to start one for you as well. You're both changing so fast so I want to make sure that I remember as much as possible. So I thought I'd write you letters about all the new things you're learning and accomplishing.

Last night was a big night for you -and Daddy too! It was the first night that you didn't nurse before you went to bed. So Daddy got to put you to bed for the first time. He was so happy!! I was a little nervous that you wouldn't go to sleep without nursing but you passed out almost as soon as Daddy laid you down.

And today you said "Star" for the first time. Hannah was putting stars on her chore chart and you came right over and yelled, "STAR!" You also started saying "Taco" lately because Hannah runs around saying it all the time. You love your big sister and will say or do anything that she does.

I love you little buddy,

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