We've been super busy this summer so I haven't been writing to you as often as I would like!! You're 18 months old - I can't believe it. Just yesterday you were my sweet little baby, so tiny and fragile. You've grown as warp speed!
You are so fearless and brave. You'll climb on everything and you never want any help. You can do everything by yourself on the playground at Sertoma. You go up the steps and can go down all the slides without any assistance. We go to playgroup there on Thursday and you're the only boy! You've learned how to climb onto Mommy & Daddy's bed as well as Hannah's. I've gotten used to walking into a room and finding you sitting on the bed :-)
We've done a lot this summer: swimming, playgroups, Hannah's gymnastics, traveling, grilling out, fireworks. Thankfully everything is starting to settle down. Hopefully we're going to sign you up for the Mom & Tot class at gymnastics this winter. I'm already excited about it.
Lately your favorite movie is 'Monsters, Inc.' but you call it 'Monkers'. You'll point to the TV and say, "Monkers? Monkers?" It's too cute!! The other thing you've been doing that I love is asking us to sing, "Tinkle Tar." Every night Daddy & I tuck you and Hannah into bed and sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to you guys. You'll lay in bed and pull your shirt up so Daddy can rub your belly. And the whole time you're saying, "Tinkle Tar." I'll leave off the words at the end of every line and you know them... 'are, high, sky'!!! It's soooo sweet!!!
I love you and I promise I will write more soon. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you!!!
I love you so much. You're such a beautiful sweet little boy and I'm so proud of you. Everyone loves you and Hannah and comments on how well behaved and quiet you guys are. They don't know just how much of a blessing it is to have you guys!!!
I love you buddy,
Pictures of our summer (in no particular order)....
Swimming at OSP on the 4th.