I finally put together the Spongebob toddler bed that I bought you last month.
You love it!! I was worried that you would keep getting out of it but we've only had to train you to stay in it 2 or 3 times. I think you like sleeping in a bed that looks like Hannah's. Plus you seem to like the freedom of getting in and out by yourself. I guess you didn't like being in prison...lol! You go to sleep a lot faster too! I'm also surprised that you don't wiggle down to the bottom - and off - of your bed.
The other day I bought the bed set to go with the bed. You'll sit on the bed and point while saying, "Punge-bob!"
Also, you're finally able to climb up onto all of our furniture. This goal took you a while to accomplish but you've done it! The other night you climbed onto Mommy & Daddy's bed without any help!! And you did it again this morning while I was making the bed. You're going to be a little monkey just like Hannah!
You've been doing good with going to the potty. Now when Hannah's using the potty you run in and do the sign for her! Such a cutie.
I love you little buddy!!
Loving your bed and your underpants!